Operation Last Salute is a mission dedicated to honoring veterans who are nearing the end of their lives in hospice care. Founded by the Vietnam Veterans of America Post 982 out of Guadalupe, CA, this program ensures that these brave individuals receive a final tribute and our profound gratitude for their service and sacrifices.

This mission is a collaborative effort involving multiple veteran nonprofits, coming together to fulfill this important role. It is crucial because it provides a meaningful and respectful farewell to those who have served our country, ensuring they receive the recognition they deserve in their final moments while offering comfort to them and their families.

Operation Last Salute underscores our commitment to honoring all aspects of a veteran’s life, from their service to their final farewell. By visiting and honoring these veterans, we affirm their legacy and acknowledge their contributions to our nation. This mission provides a moment of connection and appreciation, offering solace and dignity as veterans conclude their journey.

Committee Chair: Deniss Henessey